Gifts to Student Emergency Support Fund contribute to...
Our students make significant financial investments in an Adelphi education, but unforeseen life events may make it harder to stay in school.
With an average award of $440, the Student Emergency Support Fund is a lifeline to Adelphi students during their most challenging moments. It helps them cover bills and expenses unrelated to tuition.
Just a few hundred dollars can make a meaningful difference for students who may be impacted by events such as:
- Unexpected medical expenses
- Food insecurity
- House fire or sudden loss of housing
- Transportation costs and car repairs
- Unforeseen child or elder care expenses
Through the Student Emergency Support Fund, the Adelphi University community is there for our students when it matters most. Your gift will change a life.
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View All DonorsMost Recent Donors

Kevin Mahony


Carrie Shing

Tae Joon

Bibi Faleena Samad

Anagnostis Agelarakis

Andrea Ward

Andrew Atzert & CPCS Staff

Charles Gill

Abraham Ustoyev
Offered a $10,000 match
The Leviton Foundation
Offered a $5,000 match
Jeff Hunter Charitable Trust
Offered a $5,000 match
Offered a $5,000 match
Community Advocates
Generated 57 clicks and 10 gifts, totaling $2,510Carol Ann Boyle
Generated 32 clicks and 11 gifts, totaling $345
Gave $1,000 during a Challenge!
Vincent Wang
Generated 5 gifts, totaling $276
Gave $1,000 during a Challenge!
Diann Kelly
Generated 5 gifts, totaling $175
Gave $1,000 during a Challenge!
Thomas Kline
Generated 5 gifts, totaling $130
Gave $500 during a Challenge!